Monday, May 18, 2009


Our strength lies within ourselves.

Every one of us needs to accept and understand how to utilize these internal powers. If we do that, we don’t need anyone else for support. We will be free for every fickle action that results from insecurity about oneself and ones abilities.

Although I always felt the need to not fit in, in this society of ours – I have nevertheless been influenced by it. I have made choices out of so called ”most reasonable thing to do” way of thinking. With this mindset being present among most people, sometime – somehow – it gets to you.

Out of my respect for older people, I listened to their advice, and thereby betraying myself. As a kid I honestly thought that grown up people were supposed to be wise.

How wrong could I be.

We know ourselves the best. We know what we can do. We know where our passion is. And we know that we are strong enough – if we only dare to show it, and truly believe in it.

Who says that being like this or that other person is so much better than being you? Who says that we need to behave a certain way to get to the same goods?

Believe in yourself is the way.

Each and every one of us is genuine, and we all have special gifts. We need to stop comparing ourselves to others, and get back to finding our true selves.

We need to be the best we can be.

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Sunday, May 17, 2009


How do we go about to avoid stepping on some ones toes? How can we make sure we are a support and not a burden? How do we know?

Again, it all comes down to listening to our inner voice, and be open to receive the message: “enough is enough”. Hah! It sounds easy enough, but I’m afraid we are programmed to ignore these subtle hints of our consciousness, especially when we are doing something we feel is right.

Aren’t we stepping on each other’s toes all the time?

If you live together with your partner, you might feel that this is the case. You end up as the drama queen after multiple attempts at getting your ideas and meaning heard – or – that is what he sees in you at that point of time.

In the beginning of a relationship you need to get to know each other in a new way. Habits, mood and time schedule has to be addressed, and yes – a tiny bit of toe stepping is unavoidable and actually preferred. Cause as a saying goes: "He who does not step on people's toes, isn't moving."

Good to know!

It is true enough. What would we be if we didn’t dare to dance because we were afraid of stepping on the dance partners’ toes? We wouldn’t be dancers, for sure.

And isn’t that truly what we search for in life? Days where we can move smoothly as if we are floating in a dance of happiness; a dance of joy and laughter?

I believe it is once again our ego that carries us away on our mission to be there, to do good – for better or worse.

I choose to believe so, but I am nevertheless going to watch my steps in the future, to avoid unnecessary stepping on peoples’ toes.

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