Monday, June 22, 2009


Today I came across a book dated from the sixties that I found quite interesting. This book is called "Working with the Law" and it is written by Raymond Holliwell. It is a book written to let the reader understand the depth of themselves, and find out how best to make use of their gifts and potential in this world we are living in.

There is especially one quote I would like to share with you today. Read it once. Read it twice. Read it until you feel it deep within your heart.

“To the average person life is an enigma, a deep mystery, a complex, an incomprehensible problem, or appears so, but it is very simple if one holds the key. Mystery is only another name for ignorance; all things are mysterious when they are not understood, but when we understand life, it not longer appears mysterious.”

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Saturday, June 13, 2009


I love sitting in my couch at night, looking out of the window - observing the clouds moving about. 

I especially like the pink ones.

Pink - the color of femininity, of good health and life.
Pink - a color that I am not particular fond of, but that vibrates on another frequency when I experience its colors and its 'feather-like' floating movements on the clear, blue sky.

The sky is the limit, they say. 

To me the sky is where the possibilities are shown; on this day in form of a beautiful specter of pink colors, on another day in form of manifesting new dreams and plans about the future - by looking up to the sky.

In the sky lies the infinite.
In the sky lies the hope.
In the sky lies the pink cloud.
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Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Who are we to know destiny's ways?
Who are we to know what awaits us in the future?

The plan is set, with our permission - and we are here to follow.

We are here to follow - not the crowd of people - but our true selves,
guided by that inner voice. The voice that will warn us against evil and lead us toward goodness.

It follows us day and night.
It listens to our grieves and sorrows.
It shares our joy and laughter.

It is present. It is you.

We are not meant to know what the future brings. The plan is set, but the beautiful neuances of life we create ourselves. We make the choices.
May they be the right ones.

If we only listen..
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Monday, June 8, 2009


A wise woman once told me to trust my instinct – to trust my gut feeling, above all. I have grown to learn that this is easier said than done.

For - What do you do when your choices are constantly questioned - Questioned even by the very people you love? When do you fight for your rights in being guided by intuition and when is it cleverer to surrender to the words of people claiming to know better? People claiming to know what you have to do for your own good?

I am stuck with this question tonight. I am torn between people I love. And I refuse to make a different choice.

I have been guided by feelings and thoughtful processes. I have tested my choices carefully, knowing too well that they would be questioned in the future. Questioned by people that claim to care, and others that truly do care.

A confusion has entered my mind. A lump is forming in my chest. I don’t want to let them down. 

My friends. My family. My Beloved.

But I will have to make sure to not let my self down in the process. I have to keep following the path I chose to follow – guided by the light of my consciousness.

This is the path of Love.

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